Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Countdown Continues....

Here I am, less than 2 weeks until my due date and I am feeling less like an Earth-mother life-bringing vessel and more like a beached whale addicted to graham crackers, pudding, and Otter pops. Time is dwindling and I question every cramp, contraction, ache, and twinge. You would think this is my first time around!

I am getting to the point where this pregnancy is irritating me. Please don't think I am referring to the awesome bundle of life growing inside of me who is intent on destroying my ribs/bladder/intenstinal tract. He's incredible and amazing. Just the state of being pregnant is getting old. A woman is pregnant for 40 weeks, which for everyone else is approximately 10 months. That is 2 months shy of an entire year. That is 280 days out of 365 days in which you are crying, laughing, vomiting, burping, yelling, farting, sobbing hysterically, hurting, eating like a champion, crying, sleeping, not sleeping, eating, leaking various body fluids for various reasons, vomiting, crying, and Lord knows what else. Of course, if you go over your due date, please feel free to add the necessary extra days you get to do all this fun stuff. No longer do people tell me hello. Standard greeting is: "ARE YOU STILL PREGNANT?!" or "When are you due again? Boy, time sure flies!" My response usually is: "Yep, still pregnant... thanks for reminding me." or "Time does not fly on this side of the uterus, thank you very much." At this point in time, all I can think about is being would be very nice if someone could talk to me about some non-maternity related topic. Topics of interest could include: flowers, pirates, books, house remodeling, music, juggling, fire-eating, cooking, French Canadians, and/or how much AT&T sucks.

I'm sure some of you at this point are going, "Silly Kate, she's done this before. Why is she complaining???" I assure you that the first pregnancy was definitely not like this and I'm beginning to feel like I was duped! No one told me that the more pregnancies you have, the more pregnant you feel! One could say that I brought this upon myself for bragging so much that my first pregnancy was "sooooo easy." I am not accepting responsibility. I would like to think that the Universe/Cosmos/some vengeful maternity god is out to get me for reasons beyond my control.

So ends my rant on all maternity-related items. Stay tuned for more tongue-in-cheek nonsense. :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL Ok now even if you had 4 kids you would feel this way! I love ya and have you had that baby yet? LOL
