Monday, August 17, 2009

Random pet peeves...

DISCLAIMER: These are MY pet peeves. Some of these might be
inflammatory to readers. This is how I feel. If you don't agree,
then I'm sorry. If you do agree, then yay, I'm not alone! :)

-Strangers/customer service people using terms of endearment (honey, dear, sweetie, pookiesnookums). I don't know you, I may not be as sweet as you think.

-Visitors/customers/co-workers who speak to me like I should qualify for the Special Olympics based solely on the fact that I answer phones for a living.

-People who live up to the receptionist stereotype.. take some pride in your work, people!

-Unattended, uncontrollable, rambunctious children in any kind of public environment. Parents: this is why single people hate children.

-Women with ample bosoms who do not cover them up properly and then wonder aloud why they're getting negative sexual attention.


-Television networks who cancel great shows without a simple explanation to its viewers/fans.

-Morning radio shows that don't play a single speck of music for 4 hours...I hear enough talking all day at work; all I want are some rockin jams on the drive in.

-School district/daycare employees who would probably not even qualify for a job at the DI/Savers/mowing lawns/McDonalds based on intellect. These people are in charge of educating my child & I don't think I'd trust them with cooking my hamburger!

-Drive-thru employees who ask if that's everything after I have told them (once or TWICE) that is all I want. I understand your job sucks, but please pay attention to what I'm saying so it looks like you actually care about what you do.

-Raising the minimum wage, then raising grocery, gas, and restaurant prices, and then wondering why the economy still sucks.

-People who abuse state/Federal aid in lieu of working like everyone else. That is meant to be a temporary fix, not a permanent solution.

-People who have a higher level of education (Master's, Doctorate, etc.) and have the manners/intellect/demeanor of a pissant. You and/or the government spent a lot of money on your education, use it.

-People who have a lower level of education and have the manners/intellect/demeanor of a pissant. You do not have to conform to the drunken white-trash stereotype, rise above.

-The meat/cheese toppings to lettuce ratio in a salad. Will it really bankrupt an eating establishment to fork out a little extra? I won't mind if you charge me .50 extra so I can actually see shrimp in my salad.

-The Green Movement: Shouldn't we have been doing this 20 years ago?


1 comment:

  1. lol! I love this :) I can sum up all my pet peeve's with one word . . . Walmart.
